Thank you for your interest in The Lock Keeper. This means you are either a new reader, or a just a sucker for punishment.

As you’re here, I do feel I have to make an admission upfront. Get it out of the way, as it were.
The Lock Keeper was originally envisaged as a short story. And, it may well be that many of you might feel I should have kept to that format. Indeed, quite possibly, the shorter the better.

But, well, you know how it is, one’s global fan base is crying out for more.* So, as the customer is always being right, this is what I have done.
Indeed, The Lock Keeper is very definitely ‘more’ than The Rose Tattoo. Nearly 1,500 words more in fact. Think of that! Just under 1,500 extra words that you can read at any time, pause over, consider, commit to memory if you like. They are your bonus words to do whatever you want with. Which seems a reasonable enough offer to me.
What’s it all about then? Well, the action takes place during the late 1960’s early 70’s in eastern Europe.

Our hero is a humble lock keeper, a quiet life that matches his rather introverted nature, and one he enjoys. But the future beckons. Colour TV has arrived. His sister buys one and he inherits her old B&W set. Without giving the story away, nothing is quite the same after that; from ending up being interrogated in a military base, to meeting a girl in a metal dress. Read on! (Please.)
*To be strictly accurate, I’m not sure if was true that my vast worldwide fanbase was crying out for more. They were certainly crying out for something. Less, quite possibly.
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